Realm of Dhea Loral

Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded


“Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded” is a action/adventure genre Twitchstream that I began for in Spring of 2015. I’ll link the individual episodes below and update them.

I broadcast on every other Saturday night, 10pm-midnight CST. Be sure to follow to get updates on when I’m broadcasting. If you happen to log on early and see Ehgi’s “Don’t Sleep, Won’t sleep”, you’re on the opposite Saturday and will have to wait.

Why the late night? Well, the kids are in bed, for one. Two, prime time Saturdays everyone is already busy…so I offer some entertainment near the end of the night. “When the raid is over, but you’re not yet ready to go to sleep.” Plus, due to the nature of these games, we may see mature language or hear it from other players on the speakers.

Here is the long trailer (3 minutes) for “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded”

And the short intro I use when the stream starts:


First ten episodes linked below. The first one, featuring 2013’s Tomb Raider reboot, was not able to be used on YouTube. Despite silencing the music for the game, some music still played, and presented a Copyright issue if we tried to monetize it. Therefore, it remains on Twitch. lately, I’ve been commenting on each YouTube post to highlight the times of the big events during the cast, since each of these are 2 hours.


Episode #1 Tomb Raider (On Grievance’s old GTGNStreaming channel, which can no longer be used due to Twitch glitch) This one was also notable for a death before the title screen even played. (I was hitting the wrong buttons!)


Episode #2 H1Z1 Alpha

My highlights this night were when I stopped to tell a story at 1:21:00 , and minimized the game for a bit. The game taught me a lesson there. And a few minutes later, at 1:26:00 , when I delivered some aggression-relieving boxing upon a zombie.


Episode #3 H1Z1 Alpha, post-patch that made the zombies a lot more numerous and aggressive.


Episode #4 World of Tanks. I joined Grievance’s WoT clan for some tank action!


Episode #5 Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Online. Races and deathmatches!


Episode #6 Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Online. Grouping with friends to hit missions!


Episode #7 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Questing, killing the griffon)


Episode #8 The Witcher 3:Wild Hunt (Exploring the coastline, lots of fights)

One of my most action-filled nights to date! I was basically out looking for fights and clearing all sorts of monster encounters.


Episode #9 World of Warships


Episode #10 Star Citizen, multiple game modes.

And the hilarity ensues! Space duels, and a ton of crashes trying out the race course.


Forward to Episodes 11-20