Well, it’s an old address, but a new look! The folks over at Octoberskies gave my site a makeover. It’s still a work in progress cause I have a lot to add. Currently I’ve been busy looking for an agent, pushing my newest book, “The Widow Brigade”. I had the benefit while writing it of working closely with an author group in St Paul. They helped me edit and improve upon the flaws in my writing. I really like how this story turned out.
I’ve also been hard at work these past few months throwing together a short story for a book that will feature a compilation of tales. I took the opportunity to write in a new direction, using first-person and changing from my usual fantasy genre to a western steampunk setting. I’ll have more details on this when it gets closer to production.
I also had the pleasure of meeting my friend Jeff Williams yesterday. He’s published a book about his experiences as a Civil War reenactor, adding in several historical notes as well. I’m mentioned numerous times in the book because we were in the same reenacting company together. It’s a good historical narrative accompanied by the experiences of someone trying to walk the footsteps of the past. Muskets and Memories
And as a last reminder, don’t forget to check out my released books, The Earthrin trilogy, at Amazon or order at local retailers.