I have some EXTREMELY exciting news for today! I’m just now releasing a video trailer for the world of Dhea Loral, complete with an awesome soundtrack by Pr0t0typ3. I hope new and old fans alike follow the link to check it out! It’s got pictures of my covers, a few choice reviews, and a bit of a preview of things to come this year. And of course, set to a musical piece called “The Exiled” which is full of inspiration.
I’ll be linking it to the front page of my site, as well as posting it as the intro video to my YouTube channel. (Which is currently more gaming than writing, but I’m still trying to figure out how best an author can utilize YouTube for his books.)
I hope my fans enjoy it and share with others. I’m an amateur video-maker at best, but I’m really pleased with the outcome.
Also, feel free to check out my partner’s sites. Pr0t0typ3 has a really great music selection on his YouTube channel, and Obsidian Abnormal does near-daily twitchcasts involving his artwork. Not to mention, both are great people who are really nice to work with!
(Please forgive ending the sentence with a preposition)
Anyway, having a party here over this wonderful trailer!
Pr0t0yp3’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0DtKfs6em0tOaWAYvsVXZA
Oabnormal’s Website: http://www.theministryofabnormality.com/ and Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/oabnormal