It’s sad to hear that another round of shut downs will be enforced across our nation. You’d think that people being forced to stay home would give a boost to folks writing over the NaNoWriMo month of November. Think of how much work us reclusive nerds could get done when we’re not having to brave the sun for a time. (What sun? It’s dark at 5pm!)
Here, it’s a moot issue. Since both boys are doing distance learning, it means they are using both of my computers to get their schoolwork done. One of them has begun to write his first book! (Awww!) This means my use of a computer at home during the day hours is limited And this is even after I got my wife a new computer for her use due to a job transition. (Good luck Jen!)
Maybe it’s a good thing I’m not participating in NaNoWriMo. I have other literary projects competing for my limited time. I’m working hard to complete the second book in the “Pilgrims with Blades” series: Grandfather’s Castle. During the first book these conflicting personalities had the heat of a desperate battle to keep them together. Now we see them with a bit of relaxation before tackling a quest that will bring more than one to face their fears. There is a battle scene in which they not only lose, they get scattered. I’m trying not to keep my editor, Denise, waiting too long to check out the next draft.
The next planned convention to happen, if allowed, is GalaxyCon Richmond in March. I should have the book ready by then.