by Douglas | Oct 1, 2018 | Book Projects On The Horizon
I have to thank the folks at Chapter 2 Books in Hudson, Wi, for stocking copies of my books on their shelves! You can go there and purchase signed copies of “The Widow Brigade” and “Pilgrims with Blades”. Bill and Sue Rogge opened the store in...
by Douglas | Aug 3, 2018 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
I’m a bit overdue in reporting on my first appearance at Chapel Con. Although, bear in mind my first ever con appearance was QuestCon in Oct 2017, so all the conventions I’m hitting this year are all first time appearances. Each of them are a new...
by Douglas | Feb 5, 2018 | Book Projects On The Horizon
Hey local Minnesotans, you’re coming to Marscon, right? Marscon is an exciting science fiction convention here in the Twin Cities. This will be my first booth appearance at a local convention. (Last year I went to a convention on Alabama!) March 2-4, 2018 Hilton...