(Page #2 Episodes 11-20 will be linked here)
“Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded” is a action/adventure genre Twitchstream that I began for GTGN.tv in Spring of 2015. I’ll link the individual episodes 11-20 below and update them. I broadcast on http://www.twitch.tv/grievance every other Saturday night, 10pm-midnight CST. Be sure to follow to get updates on when I’m broadcasting.
Episode #11 Tomb Raider (Aug 15th, 2015)
Again, copyright issues with background music prevented me from airing this on YouTube. You can watch it on Grievance’s Twitch channel, linked below, and I’ve listed the highlights.
- 3:42 Action starts. I plot to try a stealth kill…backfires.
- 9:30 Found a machine gun. Given the chance to finish an enemy, I try to be merciful. This leads to him yelling to friends who ambush me in a large firefight.
- 20:17 Crossing a chasm. Begin steady fighting with enemies as I move past buildings.
- 26:22 First boss fight
- 30:57 Scaling the radio tower. Insanely high off ground! (Emotional high point of the game, very scenic).
- 42:15 Lighting the signal fire. Then disaster hits the plane, and the debris threatens to crush Lara.
- 44:05 First Lara death of the night…oops! Second series of jumps went way better.
- 51:10 Hanging upside-down trap…fight.
- 1:09:40 Lara finds the second pilot, and a trap! Scary scene here is the reason this is a mature program.
- 1:16:45 Big fight in Himiko’s burial chamber. (New follower during show, which helped with a near fatal distraction!)
- 1:25:25 Fight in Bell chamber. Resulted in one of my few deaths due to enemy fight scenes.
- 1:28:08 Bell falls, guardian attacks…run for life! (With deaths)
- 1:38:43 Fight. Dashivah watching, commented, “Thamin taking down enemies like a boss!”
- 1:43:05 Last big action scene of this episode. Raging rapids and a parachute drop. Died 5 times.
Episode #12 H1Z1 (8/29/15)
Lots of PvP action that we didn’t see in the first two episodes. This server proved to be brutal, yet we still met one awesome player that gave us an airdrop.
Episode #13 Mad Max (9/12/15)
Lots of great action in Mad Max! Brawling with madmen and car combat, demolition derby on the wasteland highways of a bleak future! Going to return to this game next episode.
Episode #14 Mad Max (9/26/15)
More mayhem driving and brawling across the wasteland. I scout out the infamous “Jaw”, rescue a man with knowledge of black powder for Jeet, and take on an enemy stronghold for Gutgash. Along the way, several car chases with patrols and fisticuffs in enemy camps.
Episode #15 Star Wars: Battlefront (10-10-15)
This night had the most audience participation in live chat to date. Played the Open Beta weekend for this November release game. Viewers got to witness my poor mouse piloting with the fighters. However, I did real good at the FPS aspect of it. Two maps doled out the action in two distinctly different flavors. My highlight was taking down Vader at point blank range as he was about to slice me down.
Episode #16 Armored Warfare (10-17-15)
Loved shooting an enemy, and then a combat objective, back-to-back…..firing through a wall! Also a number of close-up, point-blank tanks fighting. Really enjoyed the Open Beta for this game, and guildmate Woopnyo joined me for a few rounds at the end.
Episode #17 Witcher 3 (11-7-15)
Two episodes this weekend. Grievance hosted Extra Life on a Saturday, asking donations for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. I had the last few hours of the 24-hour charity stream. Took Geralt out for some free roaming fights, then followed along two questlines.
Episode #18 War Thunder/Armored Warfare (11-8-15)
Second show of the same weekend. On Sunday, we did a 24-hour charity stream benefiting Marine Recon Foundation and Call of Duty Endowment. This Veteran’s Day charity marathon featured military games as we saluted out Veterans. I did have an issue…planned to play War Thunder, but the game servers went down. Switched to Armored Warfare.
Episode #19 Star Wars: Battlefront Missions (12-5-15)
Check out the fast speeder bike chase in the Endor woods! (I drove just like the average stormtrooper). Also, succeeded in a 15-round survival match against hordes of stormtroopers and tough AT-ST walkers. Finished up as Boba Fett fighting rebels, in which I tempted death over the Sarlacc Pit! Check the description for a direct time-link to the highlights!
Episode #20 Fallout 4, Corvega plant in Lexington, (1-2-16)
This is an early quest in Fallout 4 to clear raiders from a huge plant in Lexington. Didn’t realize this would take so much of the broadcast, but there were lots of bad guys to be found. Open up the description on YouTube to see the highlights.
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