by Douglas | Oct 30, 2015 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
The Lowdown, a St Croix Valley area newspaper, featured me in a story yesterday. I had hoped to link the story, but they don’t have it up on their website: . Hopefully they will!It covered my latest book releases, and...
by Douglas | Oct 19, 2015 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
I had an interview with a local newspaper recently. I’ve been told they are running the story on Oct 30th, this Friday! Catch the Lowdown, a local paper for St Croix Valley, for the story.I expect it would be on their website too:...
by Douglas | Sep 10, 2015 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
In the midst of writing, I still find time to read a good book. After all, all writers started as readers, right? Most of my interests revolve around the same subject I write the most about: epic fantasy. (Though I have also written a Steampunk-oriented short story...
by Douglas | Jun 4, 2015 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
A last round of rain serves as a reminder of Spring even as the air gets warm and the days stretch long.My mind has already turned to camping trips and vacations for this Summer. It’s going to be harder to find time to write, with the kids off school and such,...
by Douglas | May 15, 2015 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
My first MMORPG was Everquest. My wife bought it for me as a present just a year after our marriage, and somehow the marriage survived. It proved costlier than a normal game, because it wouldn’t run on my computer at the time. That was the first of a few times...
by Douglas | Jan 30, 2015 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
Just had a really difficult morning trying to get a Word file to do what I wanted it to do, and uploaded to my new publisher on the web. Really, I was hitting my head against a wall. It really represents my love/hate relationship with computers in general. Usually, I...
by Douglas | Oct 24, 2014 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
Spoke with my oldest’s teacher today. I think it would be an intimidating enough meeting for any parent to wonder how their kid is doing in school. Probably hits me worse since both boys have Autism and tend to think differently from mainstream. The meeting...
by Douglas | Jul 6, 2013 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
I’m still really convinced my book “The Widow Brigade” will be a good hit. I’ve submitted to a few agents. Submitting to anyone can take a long turn-around, sometimes without even a reply. That’s where I’m at with this book right...