by Douglas | Aug 3, 2018 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
I’m a bit overdue in reporting on my first appearance at Chapel Con. Although, bear in mind my first ever con appearance was QuestCon in Oct 2017, so all the conventions I’m hitting this year are all first time appearances. Each of them are a new...
by Douglas | Jul 25, 2018 | Book Projects On The Horizon
I’m making another convention appearance this September. Headed to NerdinOut in Rochester, MN. Dates are Sept 8&9, 11-6 both days. Address below: Graham Arena Rochester, MN 1570 Fairgrounds Ave SE 55904 This will be my 3rd convention this year. Stop by for...
by Douglas | Mar 25, 2018 | Book Projects On The Horizon, Random Thoughts & Ideas
Now that the family vacation is over, I have a big project to continue. This is basically a continuation of acting on my thoughts in an earlier blog: Most of my successful book sales venues will...