by Douglas | Dec 20, 2015 | Book Projects On The Horizon
The Widow Brigade has earned its 6th straight 5-star review on Amazon! Of course I am overjoyed to receive all this good feedback from fans. Despite my laptop biting the dust, I’ve been working hard to put in some extra hours writing. Here is a link with...
by Douglas | Dec 15, 2015 | Book Projects On The Horizon
Are you a part of Goodreads? I am! If anyone is looking up me or my books there, this is the author link they have for me: used to be confusing because they had me listed twice. (So many people forget...
by Douglas | Dec 3, 2015 | Book Projects On The Horizon
I finally got to read my first critique on Amazon regarding Earthrin Stones 2: Trials of Faith, and it did not disappoint! It was a great positive review, and I couldn’t have been more pleased.Amazon ReviewAnd I’ll quote it here:Great Read By Dr. Drev on...
by Douglas | Nov 24, 2015 | Book Projects On The Horizon
Hello fans! Just a few updates on my book-related projects.As some may have noticed, ads for The Widow Brigade have been popping up on Facebook. I really believe what folks have been telling me, that this is the book that will make me famous. I have to thank numerous...
by Douglas | Sep 10, 2015 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
In the midst of writing, I still find time to read a good book. After all, all writers started as readers, right? Most of my interests revolve around the same subject I write the most about: epic fantasy. (Though I have also written a Steampunk-oriented short story...