by Douglas | Jun 1, 2017 | Book Projects On The Horizon
My pleasure to give everyone a big reveal today! The cover artwork of the first book in the Pilgrims with Blades series, “Pressed Into Service”, is done! Obsidian Abnormal, artist at The Ministry of Abnormality, has been working on this one for some time...
by Douglas | Jul 16, 2016 | Book Projects On The Horizon
Obsidian Abnormal, the artist who did the cover of “The Widow Brigade”, is well at work designing the cover of “Pilgrims with Blades”. The cover will eventually be split into five areas covering each of the five major characters. As a...
by Douglas | May 9, 2015 | Book Projects On The Horizon
I am now the proud owner of a finalized cover page for my latest book release. “The Widow Brigade” is now a crucial step closer to completion, as you can see from the image below.This is probably where long-time fans shout, “About time!”...
by Douglas | Nov 26, 2014 | Book Projects On The Horizon
I believe I’ve hooked up with an artist that can at least get me some early sketches soon, and at a good price. Of course, this is for the cover of “The Widow Brigade”. Sadly, it won’t be out in time to fill any Christmas stockings, but...