by Douglas | Jun 28, 2017 | Book Projects On The Horizon
Last night, I checked through the ratings and comments on my books at Amazon and found a wonderful surprise. It wouldn’t be enough to say that The Widow Brigade now has a streak of ten 5-star reviews. Much as that alone would make me jump for joy, that...
by Douglas | Aug 23, 2016 | Book Projects On The Horizon
Another good review this morning…but, let’s set the scene properly. This past two weeks I have churned out dozens of pages in revisions to “Muster of Heroes”. I’ve got a lot of new fans eager to read that one. I’ve been in the mood...
by Douglas | Jul 8, 2016 | Book Projects On The Horizon
A new review by a fan has popped up on Amazon’s book page. It’s another 5-star review! So far, “The Widow Brigade” has 8 reviews in total there, and all are 5 stars! I’m very happy about this news. (now if I can get more folks to rate my...
by Douglas | Apr 2, 2016 | Book Projects On The Horizon
This actually happened back in February…guess it’s been too long since I’ve visited! Thanks to a loyal fan who posted the first review for the revised Inheritance of a Sword and a Path. The ratings seem to be going...
by Douglas | Feb 6, 2016 | Book Projects On The Horizon
A friend of mine contacted me recently, having read a copy of “The Widow Brigade”. People are making me blush!I just finished reading your book, Widow Brigade! Great job! Needless to say I was a bit hesitant to read it, but I’m glad I did! You are an...