by Douglas | Jun 27, 2018 | Non-Book Projects
I haven’t streamed in a week or two, and there is a reason why. When I stream, I play the game and operate Open Broadcaster on my PC screen. I watch live chat from Twitch and Youtube on my laptop. Since this arrangement, however, there have been times when my...
by Douglas | Oct 29, 2017 | Book Projects On The Horizon, Non-Book Projects, Random Thoughts & Ideas
A video I helped produce on Geekside Network has been channeling in the views. Zoe and myself talked about character creation, and discussed a character of his in the making during the show. We cover the many steps and considerations undertaken when designing a...
by Douglas | Jun 7, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
I have a new project brewing outside of writing. I already spend a lot of free time playing video games. Folks who are no stranger to this site can find my “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded” action series that I ran for Grievance. I’ve decided to go at it...
by Douglas | Jan 13, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
Last weekend, Jan 7th 2017, I broadcast my 41st episode of “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded”. I’ve been doing this action-packed video game show for Grievance Gaming since March 2015…so, going on 2 years soon! I have a small, but dedicated fan base...
by Douglas | Sep 7, 2015 | Non-Book Projects
Sept 12th & 26th, catch me playing the new release Mad Max and trying to survive in the Wasteland! 10pm-midnight CST on , it’s “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded”! Needless to say, there WILL be mature content!