by Douglas | Sep 4, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
My YouTube and Twitch channels are off the ground and running… As some may have already noticed, I’ve earnestly begun adding live streams and pre-recorded gaming videos to my channels. You Tube is by far the better resource…everything is on there!...
by Douglas | Jun 7, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
I have a new project brewing outside of writing. I already spend a lot of free time playing video games. Folks who are no stranger to this site can find my “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded” action series that I ran for Grievance. I’ve decided to go at it...
by Douglas | Apr 14, 2017 | Random Thoughts & Ideas
How is the writing going? Have you sold many books? Do you make much money? These are questions I get asked a lot by coworkers and family. I’m sure lots of fans would ask these same questions as well. I’m proud to say that I have sold more books...
by Douglas | Jan 13, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
Last weekend, Jan 7th 2017, I broadcast my 41st episode of “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded”. I’ve been doing this action-packed video game show for Grievance Gaming since March 2015…so, going on 2 years soon! I have a small, but dedicated fan base...
by Douglas | Sep 29, 2016 | Non-Book Projects
I needed to update the latest “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded” page, and pass along why the updates were scarce recently. And for those that don’t know, SDGL is an action-oriented show I Twitchcast every other Saturday night, 10pm CST-midnight, on...