by Douglas | Oct 26, 2017 | Book Projects On The Horizon, Non-Book Projects
Now that all the preparation and work down at Quest-Con has passed, it’s time to update fans both old and new about current projects. We’re going to cover both book projects and video game streams. Books “The Widow Brigade” proved to be the...
by Douglas | Sep 4, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
My YouTube and Twitch channels are off the ground and running… As some may have already noticed, I’ve earnestly begun adding live streams and pre-recorded gaming videos to my channels. You Tube is by far the better resource…everything is on there!...
by Douglas | Jun 7, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
I have a new project brewing outside of writing. I already spend a lot of free time playing video games. Folks who are no stranger to this site can find my “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded” action series that I ran for Grievance. I’ve decided to go at it...
by Douglas | Mar 23, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
As an author, I haven’t had too much use for my YouTube. People livestream all the time, but that’s not something you can do as an author. Having people walk through the creation of the story kinda gives it away very prematurely. I’ve also been a...
by Douglas | Jan 13, 2017 | Non-Book Projects
Last weekend, Jan 7th 2017, I broadcast my 41st episode of “Swords Drawn, Guns Loaded”. I’ve been doing this action-packed video game show for Grievance Gaming since March 2015…so, going on 2 years soon! I have a small, but dedicated fan base...